Boolean function
AdaBase.Driver.Base.[DB].trait_protocol_compressed ()
This is a connection attribute. It returns True if the driver is configured to have the client and server compress the communication protocol between them.
AdaBase.Driver.Base.[DB].set_trait_protocol_compressed (trait : Boolean)
This procedure activates the compression on the protocol between the client and the server. For MySQL, it must be set before the connection is made, otherwise an exception is thrown. The MySQL protocol is compressed by default, so normally the procedure is used to disable compression.
Most drivers do not support these compression traits, and trying to use them on an unsupported driver will result in a compilation failure.
with Ada.Text_IO; with AdaBase; with AdaBase.Logger.Facility; with Connect; procedure Traits_MySQL is package TIO renames Ada.Text_IO; package ALF renames AdaBase.Logger.Facility; package CON renames Connect; -- Database_Driver renames MySQL driver using subtype procedure display_versions (driver : CON.Database_Driver); procedure display_traits (driver : CON.Database_Driver); procedure display_versions (driver : CON.Database_Driver) is begin TIO.Put_Line (" client info: " & driver.trait_client_info); TIO.Put_Line ("client version: " & driver.trait_client_version); TIO.Put_Line (" server info: " & driver.trait_server_info); TIO.Put_Line ("server version: " & driver.trait_server_version); TIO.Put_Line (" driver: " & driver.trait_driver); end display_versions; procedure display_traits (driver : CON.Database_Driver) is begin TIO.Put_Line (""); TIO.Put_Line (" autocommit: " & driver.trait_autocommit'Img); TIO.Put_Line (" column case: " & driver.trait_column_case'Img); TIO.Put_Line (" error_mode: " & driver.trait_error_mode'Img); TIO.Put_Line (" blob_size: " & driver.trait_max_blob_size'Img); TIO.Put_Line (" compressed: " & driver.trait_protocol_compressed'Img); TIO.Put_Line (" multiquery: " & driver.trait_multiquery_enabled'Img); TIO.Put_Line (" using buffers: " & driver.trait_query_buffers_used'Img); end display_traits; begin CON.DR.command_standard_logger (device => ALF.screen, action => ALF.attach); CON.connect_database; display_versions (driver => CON.DR); display_traits (driver => CON.DR); CON.DR.set_trait_error_mode (trait => AdaBase.raise_exception); CON.DR.set_trait_multiquery_enabled (trait => True); CON.DR.set_trait_query_buffers_used (trait => True); display_traits (driver => CON.DR); CON.DR.disconnect; CON.DR.set_trait_query_buffers_used (trait => False); CON.DR.set_trait_protocol_compressed (trait => False); CON.connect_database; display_traits (driver => CON.DR); CON.DR.disconnect; end Traits_MySQL;
Example code: testcases/traits/traits.adb
2016-04-22 20:47:44 mysql : Connect : Connection to test database succeeded. client info: 5.6.27 client version: 5.06.27 server info: 5.6.27 server version: 5.06.27 driver: MySQL 5.5+ native driver autocommit: FALSE column case: NATURAL_CASE error_mode: WARNING blob_size: 4096 compressed: TRUE multiquery: FALSE using buffers: TRUE autocommit: FALSE column case: NATURAL_CASE error_mode: RAISE_EXCEPTION blob_size: 4096 compressed: TRUE multiquery: TRUE using buffers: TRUE 2016-04-22 20:47:44 mysql : Disconnect : Disconnect From database 2016-04-22 20:47:44 mysql : Connect : Connection to test database succeeded. autocommit: FALSE column case: NATURAL_CASE error_mode: RAISE_EXCEPTION blob_size: 4096 compressed: FALSE multiquery: TRUE using buffers: FALSE 2016-04-22 20:47:44 mysql : Disconnect : Disconnect From database
Output using the MySQL driver
This trait is limited to specific drivers. Specially [DB] is limited to "MySQL.MySQL_Driver"