Boolean function
AdaBase.Driver.Base.[DB].trait_autocommit ()
This is a connection attribute. It returns True when the driver is configured to commit queries immediately (e.g. one query transactions). By default, explicit transactions are assumed, thus by default this attribute is False.
AdaBase.Driver.Base.[DB].set_trait_autocommit (trait : Boolean)
This procedure is used to change the autocommit behavior. There is only a noticable effect when the trait setting is opposite of the driver's current setting. Passing True will ensure each query is followed by a commit while passing False will ensure no query is realized until a commit command is executed.
with AdaBase; with Connect; with CommonText; with Ada.Text_IO; with AdaBase.Results.Sets; procedure Autocommit is package CON renames Connect; package TIO renames Ada.Text_IO; package ARS renames AdaBase.Results.Sets; package CT renames CommonText; insX : constant String := "INSERT INTO fruits (id, fruit, color, calories)"; ins1 : constant String := insX & " VALUES (100,'cucumber','green',16)"; ins2 : constant String := insX & " VALUES (101,'kumquat','yellow',71)"; ins3 : constant String := insX & " VALUES (102,'persimmon','orange',127)"; sel : constant String := "SELECT * FROM fruits WHERE id > 99"; del : constant String := "DELETE FROM fruits WHERE id > 99"; procedure clear_table; procedure test_uno (expected : Natural; version2 : Boolean); procedure test_dos (expected : Natural; version2 : Boolean); procedure test_tres (expected : Natural); procedure expect (impacted, expected : Natural); procedure show_results (expected : Natural); procedure expect (impacted, expected : Natural) is begin TIO.Put_Line ("Rows expected:" & expected'Img); TIO.Put_Line ("Rows returned:" & impacted'Img); if impacted = expected then TIO.Put_Line ("=== PASSED ==="); else TIO.Put_Line ("=== FAILED === <<----------------------------"); end if; TIO.Put_Line (""); end expect; procedure show_results (expected : Natural) is begin CON.connect_database; declare stmt : CON.Stmt_Type := CON.DR.query (sel); row : ARS.Datarow; NR : Natural := 0; begin loop row := stmt.fetch_next; exit when row.data_exhausted; NR := NR + 1; end loop; expect (NR, expected); end; CON.DR.disconnect; end show_results; procedure test_uno (expected : Natural; version2 : Boolean) is AR : AdaBase.Affected_Rows; begin CON.connect_database; AR := CON.DR.execute (ins1); AR := CON.DR.execute (ins2); if version2 then CON.DR.commit; end if; CON.DR.disconnect; show_results (expected); end test_uno; procedure test_dos (expected : Natural; version2 : Boolean) is AR : AdaBase.Affected_Rows; begin CON.connect_database; AR := CON.DR.execute (ins1); CON.DR.set_trait_autocommit (True); AR := CON.DR.execute (ins2); CON.DR.set_trait_autocommit (False); AR := CON.DR.execute (ins3); if version2 then CON.DR.commit; end if; CON.DR.disconnect; show_results (expected); end test_dos; procedure test_tres (expected : Natural) is AR : AdaBase.Affected_Rows; begin CON.connect_database; AR := CON.DR.execute (ins1); CON.DR.set_trait_autocommit (True); CON.DR.disconnect; show_results (expected); end test_tres; procedure clear_table is AR : AdaBase.Affected_Rows; begin CON.connect_database; AR := CON.DR.execute (del); if not CON.DR.trait_autocommit then CON.DR.commit; end if; CON.DR.disconnect; end clear_table; begin clear_table; TIO.Put_Line ("=== PRECONNECT AUTOCOMMIT => OFF (DEFAULT) ==="); CON.DR.set_trait_autocommit (False); test_uno (0, False); clear_table; TIO.Put_Line ("=== PRECONNECT AUTOCOMMIT => ON ==="); CON.DR.set_trait_autocommit (True); test_uno (2, False); clear_table; TIO.Put_Line ("=== CONNECT AC=0, INS, AC=1, INS, AC=0, INS ==="); CON.DR.set_trait_autocommit (False); test_dos (2, False); clear_table; TIO.Put_Line ("=== IMPLICIT COMMIT (AC/OFF => ON) ==="); CON.DR.set_trait_autocommit (False); test_tres (1); clear_table; TIO.Put_Line ("=== PRECONNECT AUTOCOMMIT => OFF WITH COMMIT ==="); CON.DR.set_trait_autocommit (False); test_uno (2, True); clear_table; TIO.Put_Line ("=== PRECONNECT AUTOCOMMIT => ON WITH COMMIT (NO-OP) ==="); CON.DR.set_trait_autocommit (True); test_uno (2, True); clear_table; TIO.Put_Line ("=== CONNECT AC=0, INS, AC=1, INS, AC=0, INS COMMIT ==="); CON.DR.set_trait_autocommit (False); test_dos (3, True); end Autocommit;
Example code: testcases/autocommit/autocommit.adb
=== PRECONNECT AUTOCOMMIT => OFF (DEFAULT) === Rows expected: 0 Rows returned: 0 === PASSED === === PRECONNECT AUTOCOMMIT => ON === Rows expected: 2 Rows returned: 2 === PASSED === === CONNECT AC=0, INS, AC=1, INS, AC=0, INS === Rows expected: 2 Rows returned: 2 === PASSED === === IMPLICIT COMMIT (AC/OFF => ON) === Rows expected: 1 Rows returned: 1 === PASSED === === PRECONNECT AUTOCOMMIT => OFF WITH COMMIT === Rows expected: 2 Rows returned: 2 === PASSED === === PRECONNECT AUTOCOMMIT => ON WITH COMMIT (NO-OP) === Rows expected: 2 Rows returned: 2 === PASSED === === CONNECT AC=0, INS, AC=1, INS, AC=0, INS COMMIT === Rows expected: 3 Rows returned: 3 === PASSED ===
Output using any driver
[DB] is "MySQL.MySQL_Driver", "PostgreSQL.PostgreSQL_Driver", or "SQLite.SQLite_Driver"