AdaBase.Statement.Base.[STMT].iterate (process : not null access procedure)

There are two versions of this procedure which is used to perform identical actions using data from every row of a result set. This first version requires access to a procedure that takes no arguments. The desired data must have been already bound to variables in the same scope as this procedure. Internally, the iterate procedure calls fetch_bound for every row in the result set, meaning the bound variables are updated prior to the indicate procedure being executed.

package AdaBase.Results.Sets is
   type Datarow is tagged private;
end AdaBase.Results.Sets;

AdaBase.Statement.Base.[STMT].iterate (process : not null access procedure (row : ARS.Datarow))

The second version of iterate requires access to a procedure that has a single argument, a Datarow type. Internally, the iterate procedure calls fetch_next for every row in the result set and passing the resultant Datarow back to the process procedure.

with AdaBase.Results.Sets;
with Connect;
with CommonText;
with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Iterate is

   package CON renames Connect;
   package TIO renames Ada.Text_IO;
   package AR  renames AdaBase.Results;
   package CT  renames CommonText;

   fruit    : aliased AR.Textual;
   color    : aliased AR.Textual;
   calories : aliased AR.NByte2;
   dashes   : String (1 .. 50) := (others => '=');

   procedure list_fruit;
   procedure list_hockey_teams (row : AR.Sets.Datarow);

   procedure list_fruit
      pair : String := CT.USS (fruit) & " (" & CT.USS (color) & ")";
      plen : Natural := pair'Length;
      zone : String (1 .. 20) := (others => ' ');
      zone (1 .. plen) := pair;
      TIO.Put_Line (zone & " contains" & calories'Img & " calories");
   end list_fruit;

   procedure list_hockey_teams (row : AR.Sets.Datarow) is
      TIO.Put_Line (row.column ("city").as_string & " " &
                    row.column ("mascot").as_string & " (" &
                    row.column ("abbreviation").as_string & ")");
   end list_hockey_teams;



      stmt : CON.Stmt_Type := CON.DR.query_select
                  (tables    => "fruits",
                  columns    => "fruit, calories, color",
                  conditions => "calories >= 50",
                  order      => "calories");
      stmt.bind ("fruit",    fruit'Unchecked_Access);
      stmt.bind ("calories", calories'Unchecked_Access);
      stmt.bind ("color",    color'Unchecked_Access);

      TIO.Put_Line ("Demonstrate STMT.iterate (query + bound variables)");
      TIO.Put_Line (dashes);
      TIO.Put_Line ("List of fruit the contain at least 50 calories");
      TIO.Put_Line (dashes);
      stmt.iterate (process => list_fruit'Access);

      stmt : CON.Stmt_Type := CON.DR.prepare_select
                  (tables    => "nhl_teams",
                  columns    => "*",
                  conditions => "city LIKE :pattern",
                  order      => "city");
      TIO.Put_Line ("");
      TIO.Put_Line ("Demonstrate STMT.iterate (prepare + data access)");
      TIO.Put_Line (dashes);
      TIO.Put_Line ("List of NHL teams in locations starting with 'C'");
      TIO.Put_Line (dashes);

      stmt.assign ("pattern", "C%");
      if stmt.execute then
         stmt.iterate (process => list_hockey_teams'Access);
      end if;


end Iterate;

Example code: testcases/iterate/iterate.adb

Demonstrate STMT.iterate (query + bound variables)
List of fruit the contain at least 50 calories
pineapple (yellow)   contains 50 calories
orange (orange)      contains 65 calories
apple (red)          contains 95 calories
grapefruit (yellow)  contains 100 calories
banana (yellow)      contains 107 calories
avocado (green)      contains 150 calories

Demonstrate STMT.iterate (prepare + data access)
List of NHL teams in locations starting with 'C'
Calgary Flames (CAL)
Carolina Hurricanes (CAR)
Chicago Blackhawks (CHI)
Colorado Avalanche (COL)
Columbus Blue Jackets (CLM)

Output using the MySQL and SQLite drivers

[STMT] is "MySQL.MySQL_statement", "PostgreSQL.PostgreSQL_statement", or "SQLite.SQLite_statement"

See Also