package AdaBase is type Null_Priority is (native, nulls_first, nulls_last); end AdaBase;
AdaBase.Statement.Base.[STMT] function
AdaBase.Driver.Base.[DB].query_select (
distinct : Boolean := False;
tables : String;
columns : String;
conditions : String := "";
groupby : String := "";
having : String := "";
order : String := "";
null_sort : Null_Priority := native;
limit : Trax_ID := 0;
offset : Trax_ID := 0)
This function assembles a driver-specific (SQL dialect-specific) SELECT query based on which arguments are provided. Generally the limit, offset and null_sort parameters are the ones that vary the most between dialects, with the latter not being supported by all SQL drivers. The only required parameters are tables and columns. Of course, the query function accepts literal SQL commands and can be used alternatively at the risk of portability.
This command creates direct statements that can retrieve results once, and specifically it does not produce prepared statements.
with AdaBase; with Connect; with CommonText; with Ada.Text_IO; with AdaBase.Results.Sets; procedure Query_Select is package CON renames Connect; package TIO renames Ada.Text_IO; package ARS renames AdaBase.Results.Sets; package AR renames AdaBase.Results; package CT renames CommonText; begin CON.connect_database; CON.DR.set_trait_column_case (AdaBase.upper_case); declare stmt : CON.Stmt_Type := CON.DR.query_select (tables => "nhl_schedule as S " & "JOIN nhl_teams T1 ON S.home_team = T1.team_id " & "JOIN nhl_teams T2 ON S.away_team = T2.team_id", columns => "S.event_code, " & " as home_city, " & "T1.mascot as home_mascot, " & "T1.abbreviation as home_short, " & "S.home_score, " & " as away_city, " & "T2.mascot as away_mascot, " & "T2.abbreviation as away_short, " & "S.away_score", conditions => "S.yyyswww < 1085011", order => "S.yyyswww ASC", limit => 10, offset => 20); begin if not stmt.successful then TIO.Put_Line (" Driver message: " & stmt.last_driver_message); TIO.Put_Line (" Driver code: " & stmt.last_driver_code'Img); TIO.Put_Line (" SQL State: " & stmt.last_sql_state); else for c in Natural range 1 .. stmt.column_count loop TIO.Put_Line ("Column" & c'Img & " heading: " & stmt.column_name (c)); end loop; TIO.Put_Line (""); end if; -- Demonstrate bind/fetch_bound declare event_code : aliased AR.NByte2; home_town, home_mascot : aliased AR.Textual; away_town, away_mascot : aliased AR.Textual; home_score, away_score : aliased AR.NByte1; begin stmt.bind (1, event_code'Unchecked_Access); stmt.bind ("HOME_CITY", home_town'Unchecked_Access); stmt.bind ("AWAY_CITY", away_town'Unchecked_Access); stmt.bind (3, home_mascot'Unchecked_Access); stmt.bind ("AWAY_MASCOT", away_mascot'Unchecked_Access); stmt.bind ("HOME_SCORE", home_score'Unchecked_Access); stmt.bind ("AWAY_SCORE", away_score'Unchecked_Access); loop exit when not stmt.fetch_bound; TIO.Put ("In event" & event_code'Img & ", the " & CT.USS (away_town) & " " & CT.USS (away_mascot) & " visited the " & CT.USS (home_town) & " " & CT.USS (home_mascot) & " and "); if Integer (away_score) > Integer (home_score) then TIO.Put ("won"); elsif Integer (away_score) < Integer (home_score) then TIO.Put ("lost"); else TIO.Put ("tied"); end if; TIO.Put_Line (away_score'Img & " to" & home_score'Img); end loop; TIO.Put_Line (""); end; end; declare -- demonstrate fetch_all stmt : CON.Stmt_Type := CON.DR.query_select (tables => "fruits", columns => "fruit, calories, color", conditions => "calories > 50", order => "calories", limit => 10); rowset : ARS.Datarow_Set := stmt.fetch_all; begin for row in Natural range 1 .. rowset'Length loop TIO.Put_Line (rowset (row).column (1).as_string & ":" & rowset (row).column ("calories").as_nbyte2'Img & " calories, " & rowset (row).column (3).as_string); end loop; end; CON.DR.disconnect; end Query_Select;
Example code: testcases/query_select/query_select.adb
Column 1 heading: EVENT_CODE Column 2 heading: HOME_CITY Column 3 heading: HOME_MASCOT Column 4 heading: HOME_SHORT Column 5 heading: HOME_SCORE Column 6 heading: AWAY_CITY Column 7 heading: AWAY_MASCOT Column 8 heading: AWAY_SHORT Column 9 heading: AWAY_SCORE In event 10084, the Dallas Stars visited the Nashville Predators and lost 1 to 3 In event 10090, the Boston Bruins visited the Minnesota Wild and lost 3 to 4 In event 10097, the Vancouver Canucks visited the Calgary Flames and won 5 to 4 In event 10101, the Columbus Blue Jackets visited the Phoenix Coyotes and lost 1 to 3 In event 10105, the Los Angeles Kings visited the San Jose Sharks and lost 1 to 3 In event 10125, the Colorado Avalanche visited the Edmunton Oilers and lost 2 to 3 In event 10134, the Phoenix Coyotes visited the Anaheim Ducks and won 4 to 2 In event 10137, the San Jose Sharks visited the Los Angeles Kings and won 1 to 0 In event 10150, the St. Louis Blues visited the Toronto Maple Leafs and won 5 to 4 In event 10155, the Buffalo Sabres visited the New York Islanders and won 7 to 1 orange: 65 calories, orange apple: 95 calories, red grapefruit: 100 calories, yellow banana: 107 calories, yellow avocado: 150 calories, green
Output using the MySQL driver
[DB] is "MySQL.MySQL_Driver", "PostgreSQL.PostgreSQL_Driver", or "SQLite.SQLite_Driver"
[STMT] is "MySQL.MySQL_statement", "PostgreSQL.PostgreSQL_statement", or "SQLite.SQLite_statement"