Boolean function
AdaBase.Statement.Base.[STMT].execute ()

There are two versions of this function which is used to execute a previously prepared statement. If the statement does not contain parameter markers, it can be executed immediately after it is prepared. If parameter markers are present, each marker must be assigned a value or a reference to a variable of an explicit type before the no-argument version of execute is called. Between each successive call of execute, only the parameters that change from the previous execution need to be updated; the marker assignments are persistent between executions.

See prepare select for a usage example of this version

package AdaBase.Results is
   subtype textual   is CT.Text;
   subtype textwide  is SUW.Unbounded_Wide_String;
   subtype textsuper is SUWW.Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;

   PARAM_IS_BOOLEAN   : constant nbyte0 := False;
   PARAM_IS_NBYTE_1   : constant nbyte1 := 0;
   PARAM_IS_NBYTE_2   : constant nbyte2 := 0;
   PARAM_IS_NBYTE_3   : constant nbyte3 := 0;
   PARAM_IS_NBYTE_4   : constant nbyte4 := 0;
   PARAM_IS_NBYTE_8   : constant nbyte8 := 0;
   PARAM_IS_BYTE_1    : constant byte1 := 0;
   PARAM_IS_BYTE_2    : constant byte2 := 0;
   PARAM_IS_BYTE_3    : constant byte3 := 0;
   PARAM_IS_BYTE_4    : constant byte4 := 0;
   PARAM_IS_BYTE_8    : constant byte8 := 0;
   PARAM_IS_REAL_9    : constant real9  := 0.0;
   PARAM_IS_REAL_18   : constant real18 := 0.0;
   PARAM_IS_CHAIN     : constant chain := (1 .. 1 => 0);
   PARAM_IS_ENUM      : constant enumtype := (enumeration => blank_string);
   PARAM_IS_SET       : constant settype := (1 .. 1 => (PARAM_IS_ENUM));
   PARAM_IS_TEXTUAL   : constant textual := blank_string;
   PARAM_IS_TEXTWIDE  : constant textwide := blank_wstring;
   PARAM_IS_TEXTSUPER : constant textsuper := blank_wwstring;
   PARAM_IS_TIMESTAMP : constant AC.Time := AC.Time_Of (AC.Year_Number'First,
end AdaBase.Results;

Boolean function
AdaBase.Statement.Base.[STMT].execute (parameters : String; delimiter : Character := '|')

This version of execute takes a delimited string that assigns values to all the markers prior to statement execution. The number of fields in the parameters string has to match the number of markers in the query. Since it is required to specify the data type of each marker in order for the string-to-value conversion to be done properly, the assign procedure must be run for each marker with a variable of constant of the proper type. Usually the constants defined in AdaBase.Results would be used for this purpose.

The delimiter is the pipe symbol ("|") by default, but it can be changed by setting the optional delimiter argument.

with AdaBase;
with Connect;
with CommonText;
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Calendar;
with AdaBase.Results.Sets;
with Interfaces;

procedure Execute_Dynabound is

   package CON renames Connect;
   package TIO renames Ada.Text_IO;
   package AR  renames AdaBase.Results;
   package ARS renames AdaBase.Results.Sets;
   package CT  renames CommonText;
   package CAL renames Ada.Calendar;

   package Byte_Io is new Ada.Text_Io.Modular_Io (Interfaces.Unsigned_8);

   type halfbyte is mod 2 ** 4;

   stmt_acc : CON.Stmt_Type_access;

   procedure dump_result;
   function halfbyte_to_hex (value : halfbyte) return Character;
   function convert_chain (chain : AR.Chain) return String;
   function convert_set (set : AR.Settype) return String;
   function pad (S : String; Slen : Natural) return String;
   function pad (S : String; Slen : Natural) return String
      field : String (1 .. Slen) := (others => ' ');
      len   : Natural := S'Length;
      field (1 .. len) := S;
      return field;
   end pad;

   function halfbyte_to_hex (value : halfbyte) return Character
      zero     : constant Natural := Character'Pos ('0');
      alpham10 : constant Natural := Character'Pos ('A') - 10;
      case value is
         when 0 .. 9 => return Character'Val (zero + Natural (value));
         when others => return Character'Val (alpham10 + Natural (value));
      end case;
   end halfbyte_to_hex;

   function convert_chain (chain : AR.Chain) return String
      use type AR.NByte1;
      blocks    : constant Natural := chain'Length;
      mask_ones : constant AR.NByte1 := 16#0F#;
      work_4bit : halfbyte;
      result    : String (1 .. blocks * 3 - 1) := (others => ' ');
      index     : Natural := 0;
      fullbyte  : Interfaces.Unsigned_8;
      for x in Positive range 1 .. blocks loop
         index := index + 1;
         fullbyte := Interfaces.Unsigned_8 (chain (x));
         fullbyte := Interfaces.Shift_Right (fullbyte, 4);
         work_4bit := halfbyte (fullbyte);
         result (index) := halfbyte_to_hex (work_4bit);
         index := index + 1;
         work_4bit := halfbyte (chain (x) and mask_ones);
         result (index) := halfbyte_to_hex (work_4bit);
         index := index + 1;
      end loop;
      if blocks = 0 then
         return "(empty)";
      end if;
      return result;
   end convert_chain;

   function convert_set (set : AR.Settype) return String
      result : CT.Text;
      for x in set'Range loop
         if not CT.IsBlank (set (x).enumeration) then
            if x > set'First then
               CT.SU.Append (result, ",");
            end if;
            CT.SU.Append (result, set (x).enumeration);
         end if;
      end loop;
      return CT.USS (result);
   end convert_set;

   procedure dump_result
      row     : ARS.Datarow;
      numcols : constant Natural := stmt_acc.column_count;
         row := stmt_acc.fetch_next;
         exit when row.data_exhausted;
         TIO.Put_Line ("");
         for c in Natural range 1 .. numcols loop
            TIO.Put (CT.zeropad (c, 2) & ". ");
            TIO.Put (pad (stmt_acc.column_name (c), 16));
            TIO.Put (pad (stmt_acc.column_native_type (c)'Img, 15));
            case stmt_acc.column_native_type (c) is
               when AdaBase.ft_chain =>
                  TIO.Put_Line (convert_chain (row.column (c).as_chain));
               when others =>
                  TIO.Put_Line (row.column (c).as_string);
            end case;
         end loop;
      end loop;
      TIO.Put_Line ("");
   end dump_result;

   cols : constant String := "id_nbyte3, nbyte0, " &
                             "nbyte1, byte2, byte4, nbyte8, real9, real18, " &
                             "exact_decimal, my_date, my_timestamp, " &
                             "my_time, my_year, my_tinytext, enumtype, " &
                             "settype, my_varbinary, my_blob";
   sql3 : constant String := "INSERT INTO all_types (" & cols & ") VALUES " &
                             "(?,?, ?,?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?, ?,?,?,?, ?,?,?)";
   sql1 : constant String := "SELECT " & cols & " FROM all_types " &
                             "WHERE id_nbyte3 > 8";



      numrows : AdaBase.Affected_Rows;
      numrows := CON.DR.execute ("DELETE FROM all_types WHERE id_nbyte3 > 8");
      if Natural (numrows) > 0 then
      end if;

      vals1 : constant String := "20|1|150|-10|-90000|3200100|87.2341|" &
        "15555.213792831213|875.44|2014-10-20|2000-03-25 15:15:00|" &
        "20:18:13|1986|AdaBase is so cool!|green|yellow,black|" &
        " 0123|456789ABC.,z[]";
      vals2 : constant String := "25;0;200;25;22222;50;4.84324982;" &
        "9234963.123235987;15.79;1910-11-05;2030-12-25 11:59:59;" &
        "04:00:45;1945;This is what it sounds like when doves cry;" &
        "red;blue,white;Q|ER;01234" & Character'Val (0) &
        Character'Val (10) & "789";
      good : Boolean := True;
      stmt : CON.Stmt_Type := CON.DR.prepare (sql3);
      --  This has to be done only once after the prepare command
      --  Set the type for each parameter (required for at least MySQL)
      stmt.assign (1,  AR.PARAM_IS_NBYTE_3);
      stmt.assign (2,  AR.PARAM_IS_BOOLEAN);
      stmt.assign (3,  AR.PARAM_IS_NBYTE_1);
      stmt.assign (4,  AR.PARAM_IS_BYTE_2);
      stmt.assign (5,  AR.PARAM_IS_BYTE_4);
      stmt.assign (6,  AR.PARAM_IS_NBYTE_8);
      stmt.assign (7,  AR.PARAM_IS_REAL_9);
      stmt.assign (8,  AR.PARAM_IS_REAL_18);
      stmt.assign (9,  AR.PARAM_IS_REAL_9);
      stmt.assign (10, AR.PARAM_IS_TIMESTAMP);
      stmt.assign (11, AR.PARAM_IS_TIMESTAMP);
      stmt.assign (12, AR.PARAM_IS_TIMESTAMP);
      stmt.assign (13, AR.PARAM_IS_NBYTE_2);
      stmt.assign (14, AR.PARAM_IS_TEXTUAL);
      stmt.assign (15, AR.PARAM_IS_ENUM);
      stmt.assign (16, AR.PARAM_IS_SET);
      stmt.assign (17, AR.PARAM_IS_CHAIN);
      stmt.assign (18, AR.PARAM_IS_CHAIN);

      good := stmt.execute (vals1);
      if good then
         good := stmt.execute (parameters => vals2, delimiter => ';');
      end if;
      if good then
         TIO.Put_Line ("statement execution failed");
      end if;

      stmt : aliased CON.Stmt_Type := CON.DR.query (sql1);
      if stmt.successful then
         stmt_acc := stmt'Unchecked_Access;
         TIO.Put_Line ("Dumping Result from direct statement ...");
      end if;

      stmt : aliased CON.Stmt_Type := CON.DR.prepare (sql1);
      if stmt.execute then
         stmt_acc := stmt'Unchecked_Access;
         TIO.Put_Line ("Dumping Result from prepared statement ...");
      end if;

   TIO.Put_Line ("Note slight differences in real9 and real18 field values");
   TIO.Put_Line ("due to rounding differences inherent in the different");
   TIO.Put_Line ("retrieval mechanisms of direct and prep stmt results.");


end Execute_Dynabound;

Example code: testcases/execute_dynabound/execute_dynabound.adb

Dumping Result from direct statement ...

01. id_nbyte3       FT_NBYTE3      20
02. nbyte0          FT_NBYTE0      1
03. nbyte1          FT_NBYTE1      150
04. byte2           FT_BYTE2       -10
05. byte4           FT_BYTE4       -90000
06. nbyte8          FT_NBYTE8      3200100
07. real9           FT_REAL9       8.72341000E+01
08. real18          FT_REAL18      1.55552137928312130E+04
09. exact_decimal   FT_REAL9       8.75440000E+02
10. my_date         FT_TIMESTAMP   2014-10-20 00:00:00
11. my_timestamp    FT_TIMESTAMP   2000-03-25 15:15:00
12. my_time         FT_TIMESTAMP   1901-01-01 20:18:13
13. my_year         FT_NBYTE2      1986
14. my_tinytext     FT_UTF8        AdaBase is so cool!
15. enumtype        FT_ENUMTYPE    green
16. settype         FT_SETTYPE     black,yellow
17. my_varbinary    FT_CHAIN       20 30 31 32 33
18. my_blob         FT_CHAIN       34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 2E 2C 7A 5B 5D

01. id_nbyte3       FT_NBYTE3      25
02. nbyte0          FT_NBYTE0      0
03. nbyte1          FT_NBYTE1      200
04. byte2           FT_BYTE2       25
05. byte4           FT_BYTE4       22222
06. nbyte8          FT_NBYTE8      50
07. real9           FT_REAL9       4.84325000E+00
08. real18          FT_REAL18      9.23496312323598700E+06
09. exact_decimal   FT_REAL9       1.57900000E+01
10. my_date         FT_TIMESTAMP   1910-11-05 00:00:00
11. my_timestamp    FT_TIMESTAMP   2030-12-25 11:59:59
12. my_time         FT_TIMESTAMP   1901-01-01 04:00:45
13. my_year         FT_NBYTE2      1945
14. my_tinytext     FT_UTF8        This is what it sounds like when doves cry
15. enumtype        FT_ENUMTYPE    red
16. settype         FT_SETTYPE     blue,white
17. my_varbinary    FT_CHAIN       51 7C 45 52
18. my_blob         FT_CHAIN       30 31 32 33 34 00 0A 37 38 39

Dumping Result from prepared statement ...

01. id_nbyte3       FT_NBYTE3      20
02. nbyte0          FT_NBYTE0      1
03. nbyte1          FT_NBYTE1      150
04. byte2           FT_BYTE2       -10
05. byte4           FT_BYTE4       -90000
06. nbyte8          FT_NBYTE8      3200100
07. real9           FT_REAL9       8.72341003E+01
08. real18          FT_REAL18      1.55552137928312131E+04
09. exact_decimal   FT_REAL9       8.75440000E+02
10. my_date         FT_TIMESTAMP   2014-10-20 00:00:00
11. my_timestamp    FT_TIMESTAMP   2000-03-25 15:15:00
12. my_time         FT_TIMESTAMP   1901-01-01 20:18:13
13. my_year         FT_NBYTE2      1986
14. my_tinytext     FT_UTF8        AdaBase is so cool!
15. enumtype        FT_ENUMTYPE    green
16. settype         FT_SETTYPE     black,yellow
17. my_varbinary    FT_CHAIN       20 30 31 32 33
18. my_blob         FT_CHAIN       34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 2E 2C 7A 5B 5D

01. id_nbyte3       FT_NBYTE3      25
02. nbyte0          FT_NBYTE0      0
03. nbyte1          FT_NBYTE1      200
04. byte2           FT_BYTE2       25
05. byte4           FT_BYTE4       22222
06. nbyte8          FT_NBYTE8      50
07. real9           FT_REAL9       4.84324980E+00
08. real18          FT_REAL18      9.23496312323598750E+06
09. exact_decimal   FT_REAL9       1.57900000E+01
10. my_date         FT_TIMESTAMP   1910-11-05 00:00:00
11. my_timestamp    FT_TIMESTAMP   2030-12-25 11:59:59
12. my_time         FT_TIMESTAMP   1901-01-01 04:00:45
13. my_year         FT_NBYTE2      1945
14. my_tinytext     FT_UTF8        This is what it sounds like when doves cry
15. enumtype        FT_ENUMTYPE    red
16. settype         FT_SETTYPE     blue,white
17. my_varbinary    FT_CHAIN       51 7C 45 52
18. my_blob         FT_CHAIN       30 31 32 33 34 00 0A 37 38 39

Note slight differences in real9 and real18 field values
due to rounding differences inherent in the different
retrieval mechanisms of direct and prep stmt results.

Output using the MySQL driver

Dumping Result from direct statement ...

01. id_nbyte3       FT_BYTE8       20
02. nbyte0          FT_BYTE8       1
03. nbyte1          FT_BYTE8       150
04. byte2           FT_BYTE8       -10
05. byte4           FT_BYTE8       -90000
06. nbyte8          FT_BYTE8       3200100
07. real9           FT_REAL18      8.72340999999999980E+01
08. real18          FT_REAL18      1.55552137928312131E+04
09. exact_decimal   FT_REAL18      8.75440000000000055E+02
10. my_date         FT_UTF8        2014-10-20 00:00:00
11. my_timestamp    FT_UTF8        2000-03-25 15:15:00
12. my_time         FT_UTF8        1901-01-01 20:18:13
13. my_year         FT_BYTE8       1986
14. my_tinytext     FT_UTF8        AdaBase is so cool!
15. enumtype        FT_UTF8        green
16. settype         FT_UTF8        yellow,black
17. my_varbinary    FT_CHAIN       20 30 31 32 33
18. my_blob         FT_CHAIN       34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 2E 2C 7A 5B 5D

01. id_nbyte3       FT_BYTE8       25
02. nbyte0          FT_BYTE8       0
03. nbyte1          FT_BYTE8       200
04. byte2           FT_BYTE8       25
05. byte4           FT_BYTE8       22222
06. nbyte8          FT_BYTE8       50
07. real9           FT_REAL18      4.84324981999999959E+00
08. real18          FT_REAL18      9.23496312323598750E+06
09. exact_decimal   FT_REAL18      1.57899999999999991E+01
10. my_date         FT_UTF8        1910-11-05 00:00:00
11. my_timestamp    FT_UTF8        2030-12-25 11:59:59
12. my_time         FT_UTF8        1901-01-01 04:00:45
13. my_year         FT_BYTE8       1945
14. my_tinytext     FT_UTF8        This is what it sounds like when doves cry
15. enumtype        FT_UTF8        red
16. settype         FT_UTF8        blue,white
17. my_varbinary    FT_CHAIN       51 7C 45 52
18. my_blob         FT_CHAIN       30 31 32 33 34 00 0A 37 38 39

Dumping Result from prepared statement ...

01. id_nbyte3       FT_BYTE8       20
02. nbyte0          FT_BYTE8       1
03. nbyte1          FT_BYTE8       150
04. byte2           FT_BYTE8       -10
05. byte4           FT_BYTE8       -90000
06. nbyte8          FT_BYTE8       3200100
07. real9           FT_REAL18      8.72340999999999980E+01
08. real18          FT_REAL18      1.55552137928312131E+04
09. exact_decimal   FT_REAL18      8.75440000000000055E+02
10. my_date         FT_UTF8        2014-10-20 00:00:00
11. my_timestamp    FT_UTF8        2000-03-25 15:15:00
12. my_time         FT_UTF8        1901-01-01 20:18:13
13. my_year         FT_BYTE8       1986
14. my_tinytext     FT_UTF8        AdaBase is so cool!
15. enumtype        FT_UTF8        green
16. settype         FT_UTF8        yellow,black
17. my_varbinary    FT_CHAIN       20 30 31 32 33
18. my_blob         FT_CHAIN       34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 2E 2C 7A 5B 5D

01. id_nbyte3       FT_BYTE8       25
02. nbyte0          FT_BYTE8       0
03. nbyte1          FT_BYTE8       200
04. byte2           FT_BYTE8       25
05. byte4           FT_BYTE8       22222
06. nbyte8          FT_BYTE8       50
07. real9           FT_REAL18      4.84324981999999959E+00
08. real18          FT_REAL18      9.23496312323598750E+06
09. exact_decimal   FT_REAL18      1.57899999999999991E+01
10. my_date         FT_UTF8        1910-11-05 00:00:00
11. my_timestamp    FT_UTF8        2030-12-25 11:59:59
12. my_time         FT_UTF8        1901-01-01 04:00:45
13. my_year         FT_BYTE8       1945
14. my_tinytext     FT_UTF8        This is what it sounds like when doves cry
15. enumtype        FT_UTF8        red
16. settype         FT_UTF8        blue,white
17. my_varbinary    FT_CHAIN       51 7C 45 52
18. my_blob         FT_CHAIN       30 31 32 33 34 00 0A 37 38 39

Note slight differences in real9 and real18 field values
due to rounding differences inherent in the different
retrieval mechanisms of direct and prep stmt results.

Output using the SQLite driver

Dumping Result from direct statement ...

01. id_nbyte3       FT_BYTE4       20
02. nbyte0          FT_NBYTE0      1
03. nbyte1          FT_BYTE2       150
04. byte2           FT_BYTE2       -10
05. byte4           FT_BYTE4       -90000
06. nbyte8          FT_BYTE8       3200100
07. real9           FT_REAL9       8.72341000E+01
08. real18          FT_REAL18      1.55552137928312000E+04
09. exact_decimal   FT_REAL18      8.75440000000000000E+02
10. my_date         FT_TIMESTAMP   2014-10-20 00:00:00
11. my_timestamp    FT_TIMESTAMP   2000-03-25 15:15:00
12. my_time         FT_TIMESTAMP   1901-01-01 20:18:13
13. my_year         FT_BYTE2       1986
14. my_tinytext     FT_UTF8        AdaBase is so cool!
15. enumtype        FT_ENUMTYPE    green
16. settype         FT_UTF8        yellow,black
17. my_varbinary    FT_CHAIN       20 30 31 32 33
18. my_blob         FT_CHAIN       34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 2E 2C 7A 5B 5D

01. id_nbyte3       FT_BYTE4       25
02. nbyte0          FT_NBYTE0      0
03. nbyte1          FT_BYTE2       200
04. byte2           FT_BYTE2       25
05. byte4           FT_BYTE4       22222
06. nbyte8          FT_BYTE8       50
07. real9           FT_REAL9       4.84325000E+00
08. real18          FT_REAL18      9.23496312323599000E+06
09. exact_decimal   FT_REAL18      1.57900000000000000E+01
10. my_date         FT_TIMESTAMP   1910-11-05 00:00:00
11. my_timestamp    FT_TIMESTAMP   2030-12-25 11:59:59
12. my_time         FT_TIMESTAMP   1901-01-01 04:00:45
13. my_year         FT_BYTE2       1945
14. my_tinytext     FT_UTF8        This is what it sounds like when doves cry
15. enumtype        FT_ENUMTYPE    red
16. settype         FT_UTF8        blue,white
17. my_varbinary    FT_CHAIN       51 7C 45 52
18. my_blob         FT_CHAIN       30 31 32 33 34 00 0A 37 38 39

Dumping Result from prepared statement ...

01. id_nbyte3       FT_BYTE4       20
02. nbyte0          FT_NBYTE0      1
03. nbyte1          FT_BYTE2       150
04. byte2           FT_BYTE2       -10
05. byte4           FT_BYTE4       -90000
06. nbyte8          FT_BYTE8       3200100
07. real9           FT_REAL9       8.72341000E+01
08. real18          FT_REAL18      1.55552137928312000E+04
09. exact_decimal   FT_REAL18      8.75440000000000000E+02
10. my_date         FT_TIMESTAMP   2014-10-20 00:00:00
11. my_timestamp    FT_TIMESTAMP   2000-03-25 15:15:00
12. my_time         FT_TIMESTAMP   1901-01-01 20:18:13
13. my_year         FT_BYTE2       1986
14. my_tinytext     FT_UTF8        AdaBase is so cool!
15. enumtype        FT_ENUMTYPE    green
16. settype         FT_UTF8        yellow,black
17. my_varbinary    FT_CHAIN       20 30 31 32 33
18. my_blob         FT_CHAIN       34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 2E 2C 7A 5B 5D

01. id_nbyte3       FT_BYTE4       25
02. nbyte0          FT_NBYTE0      0
03. nbyte1          FT_BYTE2       200
04. byte2           FT_BYTE2       25
05. byte4           FT_BYTE4       22222
06. nbyte8          FT_BYTE8       50
07. real9           FT_REAL9       4.84325000E+00
08. real18          FT_REAL18      9.23496312323599000E+06
09. exact_decimal   FT_REAL18      1.57900000000000000E+01
10. my_date         FT_TIMESTAMP   1910-11-05 00:00:00
11. my_timestamp    FT_TIMESTAMP   2030-12-25 11:59:59
12. my_time         FT_TIMESTAMP   1901-01-01 04:00:45
13. my_year         FT_BYTE2       1945
14. my_tinytext     FT_UTF8        This is what it sounds like when doves cry
15. enumtype        FT_ENUMTYPE    red
16. settype         FT_UTF8        blue,white
17. my_varbinary    FT_CHAIN       51 7C 45 52
18. my_blob         FT_CHAIN       30 31 32 33 34 00 0A 37 38 39

Note slight differences in real9 and real18 field values
due to rounding differences inherent in the different
retrieval mechanisms of direct and prep stmt results.

Output using the PostgreSQL driver

[STMT] is "MySQL.MySQL_statement", "PostgreSQL.PostgreSQL_statement", or "SQLite.SQLite_statement"

See Also