
This procedure frees up the resources used by the statement during the iteration of the current result set. The resources are normally freed after the last row is fetched from the result set, but the discard_rest procedure discards the remaining rows directly and without having to complete the iteration. It is analogous to "close cursor" routines seen on other drivers.

Flushing unretrieved rows is required before the statement can perform another query. If the driver cannot natively discard the data, it will internally iterate though the result set to simulate closing the cursor.

with AdaBase;
with Connect;
with CommonText;
with Ada.Text_IO;
with AdaBase.Results.Sets;

procedure Bad_Select is

   package CON renames Connect;
   package TIO renames Ada.Text_IO;
   package ARS renames AdaBase.Results.Sets;
   package CT  renames CommonText;

   row : ARS.Datarow;
   sql : String := "SELECT fruit, calories FROM froits " &
                   "WHERE color = 'red'";

   success : Boolean := True;


   --  PostgreSQL will abort a transaction even for a bad select
   --  so in this case, let's not start any transactions
   CON.DR.set_trait_autocommit (True);


      stmt : CON.Stmt_Type := CON.DR.query (sql);
      TIO.Put_Line ("Query successful: " & stmt.successful'Img);

      if not stmt.successful then
         TIO.Put_Line ("  Driver message: " & stmt.last_driver_message);
         TIO.Put_Line ("     Driver code: " & stmt.last_driver_code'Img);
         TIO.Put_Line ("       SQL State: " & stmt.last_sql_state);
         success := False;
      end if;

   if not success then
      --  Fix SQL typo
      sql (31) := 'u';
      TIO.Put_Line ("");
      TIO.Put_Line ("SQL now: " & sql);
         stmt : CON.Stmt_Type := CON.DR.query (sql);
         TIO.Put_Line ("Query successful: " & stmt.successful'Img);

         row := stmt.fetch_next;
         if not row.data_exhausted then
            TIO.Put_Line ("   Number fields:" & row.count'Img);

            TIO.Put_Line ("  Data discarded: " & stmt.data_discarded'Img);
         end if;
   end if;

end Bad_Select;

Example code: testcases/bad_select/bad_select.adb

Query successful: FALSE
  Driver message: Table 'adabase_examples.froits' doesn't exist
     Driver code:  1146
       SQL State: 42S02

SQL now: SELECT fruit, calories FROM fruits WHERE color = 'red'
Query successful: TRUE
   Number fields: 2
  Data discarded: TRUE

Output using the MySQL driver

Query successful: FALSE
  Driver message: no such table: froits
     Driver code:  1
       SQL State: HY000

SQL now: SELECT fruit, calories FROM fruits WHERE color = 'red'
Query successful: TRUE
   Number fields: 2
  Data discarded: TRUE

Output using the SQLite driver

Query successful: FALSE
  Driver message: ERROR:  relation "froits" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT fruit, calories FROM froits WHERE color = 'red'

     Driver code:  2
       SQL State: 42P01

SQL now: SELECT fruit, calories FROM fruits WHERE color = 'red'
Query successful: TRUE
   Number fields: 2
  Data discarded: TRUE

Output using the PostgreSQL driver

See Also