package AdaBase is
  type field_types is (ft_nbyte0, ft_nbyte1, ft_nbyte2, ft_nbyte3, ft_nbyte4,
                        ft_nbyte8, ft_byte1, ft_byte2, ft_byte3, ft_byte4,
                        ft_byte8, ft_real9, ft_real18, ft_textual,
                        ft_widetext, ft_supertext, ft_timestamp,
                        ft_chain, ft_enumtype, ft_settype);
end AdaBase;

field_types function
AdaBase.Statement.Base.[STMT].column_native_type (index : Positive)

This function returns the native type of the data that populates the given column. For example, if the second column of the result set is the equivalent of a double float, then the function will return the ft_real18 enumeration given the index of 2.

See stmt fetch next row for a usage example.

[STMT] is "MySQL.MySQL_statement", "PostgreSQL.PostgreSQL_statement", or "SQLite.SQLite_statement"

See Also