Spatial and Geographic Object Support

AdaBase provides natural support for Spatial Data using OpenGIS concepts. Support is specifically provided for MySQL (Spatial Data extensions) and PostgreSQL (PostGIS extension).

No specially care has to be taken to retrieve geometry data. If AdaBase detects a geometry type, it will convert the internal data to the "Well Known Binary" (WKB) format and store that internally. If a string conversion is requested, AdaBase converts the WKB into "Well Known Text" format which is suitable to be used in other queries. More importantly, primitive geometric shapes such as points, line strings, and polygons can be extracted and the point coordinates, which are 16-digit real numbers, are directly available if necessary. Homogenuous geometry collections that contain an indefinite number of similar elements such as multi-point, multi-line-string, and multi-polygon are also supported. Finally "geometry collections" which may contain a heterogenous mixture of any geometries are supported. In the case of PostGIS, a collection may contain other collections through many recursive levels -- a collection may contain up to 23 other collections. On MySQL, this is not supported, and the geometry collection type may only contain 6 types (three single types and the analogous multiple types).

package Spatial_Data is

   type Collection_Type is (unset,

   subtype Geo_Points is Positive range 1 .. 2 ** 20;
   subtype Geo_Units  is Natural  range 0 .. 2 ** 12;

   type Geometry is private;

   type Geometric_Real is digits 18;

   type Geometric_Point is
         X : Geometric_Real;
         Y : Geometric_Real;
      end record;

   type Geometric_Point_set is array (Positive range <>) of Geometric_Point;
   subtype Geometric_Ring        is Geometric_Point_set;
   subtype Geometric_Line_String is Geometric_Point_set;
   type Geometric_Polygon (rings  : Geo_Units := Geo_Units'First;
                           points : Geo_Points := Geo_Points'First) is private;

   Origin_Point   : constant Geometric_Point := (0.0, 0.0);

   --  Initialization functions  --
   function start_polygon               (outer_ring : Geometric_Ring)
                                         return Geometric_Polygon;
   procedure append_inner_ring          (polygon    : in out Geometric_Polygon;
                                         inner_ring : Geometric_Ring);

   function initialize_as_point         (point : Geometric_Point)
                                         return Geometry;
   function initialize_as_multi_point   (point : Geometric_Point)
                                         return Geometry;

   function initialize_as_line          (line_string : Geometric_Line_String)
                                         return Geometry;
   function initialize_as_multi_line    (line_string : Geometric_Line_String)
                                         return Geometry;

   function initialize_as_polygon       (polygon : Geometric_Polygon)
                                         return Geometry;
   function initialize_as_multi_polygon (polygon : Geometric_Polygon)
                                         return Geometry;

   function initialize_as_collection    (anything : Geometry) return Geometry;

   --  Build collections functions  --
   procedure augment_multi_point   (collection : in out Geometry;
                                    point      : Geometric_Point);

   procedure augment_multi_line    (collection : in out Geometry;
                                    line       : Geometric_Line_String);

   procedure augment_multi_polygon (collection : in out Geometry;
                                    polygon    : Geometric_Polygon);

   procedure augment_collection    (collection : in out Geometry;
                                    anything   : Geometry);

   --  Retrieval functions  --
   function type_of_collection     (collection : Geometry)
                                    return Collection_Type;
   function size_of_collection     (collection : Geometry)
                                    return Positive;
   function collection_item_type   (collection : Geometry;
                                    index      : Positive := 1)
                                    return Collection_Type;

   function retrieve_subcollection (collection : Geometry;
                                    index : Positive := 1)
                                    return Geometry;

   function retrieve_point         (collection : Geometry;
                                    index : Positive := 1)
                                    return Geometric_Point;
   function retrieve_line          (collection : Geometry;
                                    index : Positive := 1)
                                    return Geometric_Line_String;

   function retrieve_polygon       (collection : Geometry;
                                    index      : Positive := 1)
                                    return Geometric_Polygon;
   function number_of_rings        (polygon : Geometric_Polygon)
                                    return Natural;
   function retrieve_ring          (polygon : Geometric_Polygon;
                                    ring_index : Positive)
                                    return Geometric_Ring;

   --  Text Representation  --
   function mysql_text      (collection : Geometry;
                             top_first  : Boolean := True) return String;
   function Well_Known_Text (collection : Geometry;
                             top_first  : Boolean := True) return String;

end Spatial_Data;

To retrieve and manipulate geometry data

After fetching a row, use the standard field conversion "as_geometry" to return a private geometry type. To retrieve the Well-Known-Text representation of the geometry, either use the standard field conversion "as_string", or pass the geometry to the Well_Known_Text function, both of which return standard strings.

You may already know what type of geometry is in the field, but it is possible the database table is constructed to allow any shape. To determine the Collection_Type of the geometry, pass it to the type_of_collection function. To determine how many components are contained in the geometry, use the size_of_collection function. The single geometries (point, line string, polygon) always return 1 for this function. If the Collection_Type is heterogeneous, it may be desirable to know what kind of geometry each collection element is. For this information, use the collection_item_type function.

Every geometry can be broken down to it's most basic element, the 2-dimensional point. While points consist of X, Y coordinates of Geometric_Real 18-digit type, conversions will round the value to 16 significant digits. To retrieve a point from the single_point or multi_point geometries, use the retrieve_point function.

Similarly, a line string is just an array of points. To obtain a line string (type Geometric_Line_String, use the retrieve_line function on single_line_string and multi_line_string geometry types.

The polygons are more complex. Structurally, they are similar to line strings, but the first and last point must be identical (so the shape is closed) and their structural elements are known as rings. The first one is the outer ring. A polygon may have zero to an indefinitely number of "inner" rings also known as holes. There are certain rules related to holes (e.g. they can't touch, must be enclosed, etc.), so a polygon is basically an array of an array of points. One extracts polygons as the type Geometric_Polygon using the retrieve_polygon by passing that function a geometry of type single_polygon or multi_polygon. The polygon is a private type, so to determine how many rings it has (1 or more), use the number_of_rings function. To obtain a ring of type Geometric_Ring, which is similar to a line string, use the retrieve_ring function.

The geometry collections are geometries of type heterogeneous. After determining how many elements are contained within, use the retrieve_subcollection function to peel off the collection element as a new geometry. For example, if the third element of a collection is a polygon, then use the retrieval function to extract the polygon geometry which can be further broken down with retrieve_polygon function. On PostGIS, the PostgreSQL GIS extensions, the extracted geometry may well be another heterogenous collection which has to have its own subcollections extracted as well.

How to create geometries

For various reasons, such as desiring Well-Known-Text as a product for the purposes of supporting an insert or update query, it may be desirable to create geometries which is generally accomplished by building it up.

How to create a single-point geometry

This is easy. Just pass a variable of type Geometric_Point to the initialize_as_pointfunction, and a geometry containing that point will be returned.

How to create a multi-point geometry

This is done exactly the same way as a single point, but instead the initialize_as_multi_point function is used. This geometry is only required to hold a single point, so the difference between a single-point and a multi-point geometry is in classification only when a single point is involved.

How to create a single-line-string geometry

First create a Geometric_Line_String variable (an array of points) or just pass an array of points directly to the initialize_as_line function, and the proper geometry is returned.

How to create a multiple-line-string geometry

The process is identical to the single-line-string except that the initialize_as_multi_line function is used instead. This geometry is only required to hold a single string.

How to create polygon geometry

A polygon can only be constructed one ring at a time, and the geometry has to constructed in two steps. The first step is to create the private Geometric_Polygon type by passing a Geometric_Ring (an array of points) to the start_polygon function. If the polygon has holes, these need to be defined using the append_inner_ring procedure using the existing polygon and another ring. When the polygon is fully constructed, a geometry can be created using the initialize_as_polygon or initialize_as_multi_polygon functions.

How to add points to multi-point geometry

The augment_multi_point procedure is used to append additional points to existing multi-point geometries.

How to add lines to multi-line-string geometry

The augment_multi_line procedure is used to append additional line strings to existing multi-line-string geometries.

How to add lines to multi-polygon geometry

The augment_multi_polygon procedure is used to append additional polygons to existing multi-polygon geometries.

How to create heterogenous geometries

To construct geometry collections, you must first obtain a geometry through one of the previously mentioned methods, and then initialize a new collection with it using the initialize_as_collection. Additional geometries are added by using the augment_collection procedure as often as necessary.

with AdaBase;
with Connect;
with CommonText;
with Ada.Text_IO;
with AdaBase.Results.Sets;
with Spatial_Data;

procedure Spatial3 is

   package CON renames Connect;
   package TIO renames Ada.Text_IO;
   package ARS renames AdaBase.Results.Sets;
   package CT  renames CommonText;
   package SD  renames Spatial_Data;

   procedure print_wkt   (GM : SD.Geometry; cn, wkt : String);
   procedure print_point (point : SD.Geometric_Point; label : String);

   procedure print_wkt (GM : SD.Geometry; cn, wkt : String) is
      TIO.Put_Line ("");
      TIO.Put_Line ("Column Name : " & cn);
      TIO.Put_Line ("Geo subtype : " & SD.type_of_collection (GM)'Img);
      TIO.Put_Line ("WKT value   : " & wkt);
   end print_wkt;

   procedure print_point (point : SD.Geometric_Point; label : String) is
      TIO.Put_Line ("X=" & point.X'Img & " (" & label & ")");
      TIO.Put_Line ("Y=" & point.Y'Img);
   end print_point;



      sql  : constant String := "SELECT * FROM spatial_plus";
      stmt : CON.Stmt_Type := CON.DR.query (sql);
      row  : ARS.Datarow := stmt.fetch_next;

      PT   : constant String := "sp_point";
      LN   : constant String := "sp_linestring";
      PG   : constant String := "sp_polygon";
      MP   : constant String := "sp_multi_point";
      ML   : constant String := "sp_multi_line_string";
      MPG  : constant String := "sp_multi_polygon";
      GC   : constant String := "sp_geo_collection";

      TIO.Put_Line ("Demonstrate direct geometry retrieval and manipulation");

      --  Point
      print_wkt (row.column (PT).as_geometry, PT, row.column (PT).as_string);
      print_point (SD.retrieve_point (row.column (PT).as_geometry), PT);

      --  Line
      print_wkt (row.column (LN).as_geometry, LN, row.column (LN).as_string);
         LNS : SD.Geometric_Line_String :=
            SD.retrieve_line (row.column (LN).as_geometry);
         for component in LNS'Range loop
            print_point (LNS (component), LN & component'Img);
         end loop;

      --  Polygon
      print_wkt (row.column (PG).as_geometry, PG, row.column (PG).as_string);
         PG1 : SD.Geometric_Polygon :=
            SD.retrieve_polygon (row.column (PG).as_geometry);
         ring_count : Natural := SD.number_of_rings (PG1);
         for Ring_ID in 1 .. ring_count loop
               RG : SD.Geometric_Ring := SD.retrieve_ring (PG1, Ring_ID);
               SZ : Natural := RG'Length;
               TIO.Put_Line ("Ring#" & Ring_ID'Img);
               for component in 1 .. SZ loop
                  print_point (RG (component), "point" & component'Img);
               end loop;
         end loop;

      --  Multi-Point
         GM  : SD.Geometry := row.column (MP).as_geometry;
         SZ  : Natural := SD.size_of_collection (GM);
         print_wkt (GM, MP, row.column (MP).as_string);
         for component in 1 .. SZ loop
            print_point (SD.retrieve_point (GM, component),
                         "Multipoint#" & component'Img);
         end loop;

      --  Multi-Line
         GM  : SD.Geometry := row.column (ML).as_geometry;
         SZ  : Natural := SD.size_of_collection (GM);
         print_wkt (GM, ML, row.column (ML).as_string);
         for component in 1 .. SZ loop
               --  extract line string type
               SLS : SD.Geometric_Line_String :=
                     SD.retrieve_line (GM, component);
               --  convert to a simple geometry type
               NGM : SD.Geometry := SD.initialize_as_line (SLS);
               TIO.Put_Line ("line#" & component'Img & ": " &
                  SD.Well_Known_Text (NGM));
         end loop;

      --  Multi-Polygon
         GM  : SD.Geometry := row.column (MPG).as_geometry;
         SZ  : Natural := SD.size_of_collection (GM);
         print_wkt (GM, MPG, row.column (MPG).as_string);
         for component in 1 .. SZ loop
               --  extract single polygon
               SPG : SD.Geometric_Polygon :=
                     SD.retrieve_polygon (GM, component);
               --  convert to a simple geometry type
               NGM : SD.Geometry := SD.initialize_as_polygon (SPG);
               num_rings : Natural := SD.number_of_rings (SPG);
               TIO.Put_Line ("polygon#" & component'Img & ": " &
                  SD.Well_Known_Text (NGM));
               for ring in 2 .. num_rings loop
                     IR : SD.Geometric_Ring := SD.retrieve_ring (SPG, ring);
                     newpoly : SD.Geometric_Polygon := SD.start_polygon (IR);
                     TIO.Put_Line ("Inner ring" & Integer (ring - 1)'Img &
                        " of polygon" & component'Img & " : " &
                           (SD.initialize_as_polygon (newpoly)));
               end loop;
         end loop;

      --  Geometry Collection
         GM  : SD.Geometry := row.column (GC).as_geometry;
         SZ  : Natural := SD.size_of_collection (GM);
         TIO.Put_Line ("");
         TIO.Put_Line ("Column Name : " & GC);
         TIO.Put_Line ("Geo subtype : " & SD.type_of_collection (GM)'Img);
         TIO.Put_Line ("Number of elements in collection :" & SZ'Img);
         for component in 1 .. SZ loop
               NGM : SD.Geometry := SD.retrieve_subcollection (GM, component);
               SZC : Natural := SD.size_of_collection (NGM);
               TIO.Put_Line ("");
               TIO.Put_Line ("Element" & component'Img & " type : " &
                  SD.collection_item_type (GM, component)'Img);
               TIO.Put_Line ("Element" & component'Img & " size : " &
                  CT.int2str (SZC));
               TIO.Put_Line ("Element" & component'Img & " wkt  : " &
                  SD.Well_Known_Text (NGM));
         end loop;

end Spatial3;

Example code: testcases/spatial3/spatial3.adb

Demonstrate direct geometry retrieval and manipulation

Column Name : sp_point
Geo subtype : SINGLE_POINT
WKT value   : POINT(4.5 -2.323)
X= 4.50000000000000000E+00 (sp_point)

Column Name : sp_linestring
WKT value   : LINESTRING(-0.2 14.7,21.33 20,0 0)
X=-2.00000000000000000E-01 (sp_linestring 1)
Y= 1.47000000000000000E+01
X= 2.13300000000000000E+01 (sp_linestring 2)
Y= 2.00000000000000000E+01
X= 0.00000000000000000E+00 (sp_linestring 3)
Y= 0.00000000000000000E+00

Column Name : sp_polygon
Geo subtype : SINGLE_POLYGON
WKT value   : POLYGON((35 10,45 45,15 40,10 20,35 10),(20 30,35 35,30 20,20 30))
Ring# 1
X= 3.50000000000000000E+01 (point 1)
Y= 1.00000000000000000E+01
X= 4.50000000000000000E+01 (point 2)
Y= 4.50000000000000000E+01
X= 1.50000000000000000E+01 (point 3)
Y= 4.00000000000000000E+01
X= 1.00000000000000000E+01 (point 4)
Y= 2.00000000000000000E+01
X= 3.50000000000000000E+01 (point 5)
Y= 1.00000000000000000E+01
Ring# 2
X= 2.00000000000000000E+01 (point 1)
Y= 3.00000000000000000E+01
X= 3.50000000000000000E+01 (point 2)
Y= 3.50000000000000000E+01
X= 3.00000000000000000E+01 (point 3)
Y= 2.00000000000000000E+01
X= 2.00000000000000000E+01 (point 4)
Y= 3.00000000000000000E+01

Column Name : sp_multi_point
Geo subtype : MULTI_POINT
WKT value   : MULTIPOINT(-0.7 0.7,1.2 -1.2,2.2 2.995,-9.99 -9.00001)
X=-7.00000000000000000E-01 (Multipoint# 1)
Y= 7.00000000000000000E-01
X= 1.20000000000000000E+00 (Multipoint# 2)
X= 2.20000000000000000E+00 (Multipoint# 3)
Y= 2.99500000000000000E+00
X=-9.99000000000000000E+00 (Multipoint# 4)

Column Name : sp_multi_line_string
WKT value   : MULTILINESTRING((10 10,20 20,10 40),(40 40,30 30,40 20,30 10))
line# 1: LINESTRING(10 10,20 20,10 40)
line# 2: LINESTRING(40 40,30 30,40 20,30 10)

Column Name : sp_multi_polygon
Geo subtype : MULTI_POLYGON
WKT value   : MULTIPOLYGON(((40 40,20 45,45 30,40 40)),((20 35,10 30,10 10,30 5,45 20,20 35),(30 20,20 15,20 25,30 20)))
polygon# 1: POLYGON((40 40,20 45,45 30,40 40))
polygon# 2: POLYGON((20 35,10 30,10 10,30 5,45 20,20 35),(30 20,20 15,20 25,30 20))
Inner ring 1 of polygon 2 : POLYGON((30 20,20 15,20 25,30 20))

Column Name : sp_geo_collection
Number of elements in collection : 7

Element 1 type : SINGLE_POINT
Element 1 size : 1
Element 1 wkt  : POINT(4 6)

Element 2 type : SINGLE_LINE_STRING
Element 2 size : 1
Element 2 wkt  : LINESTRING(4 6,7 10)

Element 3 type : SINGLE_POLYGON
Element 3 size : 1
Element 3 wkt  : POLYGON((30 10,40 40,20 40,10 20,30 10))

Element 4 type : MULTI_POLYGON
Element 4 size : 2
Element 4 wkt  : MULTIPOLYGON(((30 20,45 40,10 40,30 20)),((15 5,40 10,10 20,5 10,15 5)))

Element 5 type : MULTI_LINE_STRING
Element 5 size : 2
Element 5 wkt  : MULTILINESTRING((10 10,20 20,10 40),(40 40,30 30,40 20,30 10))

Element 6 type : MULTI_POINT
Element 6 size : 4
Element 6 wkt  : MULTIPOINT(11.2 42.4,45.1 30,20.25 20,30.9 10.117)

Element 7 type : SINGLE_POLYGON
Element 7 size : 1
Element 7 wkt  : POLYGON((30 10,40 40,20 40,10 20,30 10))

Output using the MySQL or PostgreSQL driver

with AdaBase;
with Connect;
with CommonText;
with Ada.Text_IO;
with AdaBase.Results.Sets;
with Spatial_Data;

procedure Spatial4 is

   package CON renames Connect;
   package TIO renames Ada.Text_IO;
   package ARS renames AdaBase.Results.Sets;
   package CT  renames CommonText;
   package SD  renames Spatial_Data;



      use type SD.Geometric_Real;
      my_point   : SD.Geometry := SD.initialize_as_point ((3.2, 4.775));
      my_linestr : SD.Geometry := SD.initialize_as_line
                   (((-0.034, 14.993), (5.0, 6.0), (-3.0, 19.0), (0.0, -7.1000009)));
      wrk_poly   : SD.Geometric_Polygon := SD.start_polygon
                   (((35.0, 10.0), (45.0, 45.0), (15.0, 40.0), (10.0, 20.0), (35.0, 10.0)));
      my_polygon : SD.Geometry;
      my_mpoly   : SD.Geometry;
      my_mpoint  : SD.Geometry := SD.initialize_as_multi_point ((10.0, 10.0));
      my_mline   : SD.Geometry := SD.initialize_as_multi_line
                   (((5.0, 5.0), (0.0, 2.0), (-7.0, 13.0), (99.0, -1.0), (50.0, 50.0)));
      my_mixture : SD.Geometry := SD.initialize_as_collection (my_linestr);
      SD.append_inner_ring (wrk_poly, ((20.0, 30.0), (35.0, 35.0), (30.0, 20.0), (20.0, 30.0)));
      my_polygon := SD.initialize_as_polygon (wrk_poly);
      SD.augment_multi_point (my_mpoint, (100.0, 200.0));
      SD.augment_multi_point (my_mpoint, (-52.0, 250.0));
      SD.augment_multi_line  (my_mline, ((20.0, 10.0), (87.0, 88.0)));
      my_mpoly := SD.initialize_as_multi_polygon (wrk_poly);
      SD.augment_collection (my_mixture, my_polygon);
      SD.augment_collection (my_mixture, my_mpoint);
      SD.augment_collection (my_mixture, my_point);
      SD.augment_collection (my_mixture, my_mline);
         template : String := "INSERT INTO spatial_plus " &
            "(id, sp_point, sp_linestring, sp_polygon, sp_multi_point," &
            " sp_multi_line_string, sp_multi_polygon, sp_geo_collection)" &
            " VALUES (10, ST_GeomFromText (:pt, 4326)," &
            " ST_GeomFromText (:line, 4326)," &
            " ST_GeomFromText (:poly, 4326)," &
            " ST_GeomFromText(:mpoint, 4326)," &
            " ST_GeomFromText(:mline, 4326)," &
            " ST_GeomFromText(:mpoly, 4326)," &
            " ST_GeomFromText(:collset, 4326))";
         stmt : CON.Stmt_Type := CON.DR.prepare (template);
         stmt.assign ("pt",      SD.Well_Known_Text (my_point));
         stmt.assign ("line",    SD.Well_Known_Text (my_linestr));
         stmt.assign ("poly",    SD.Well_Known_Text (my_polygon));
         stmt.assign ("mpoint",  SD.Well_Known_Text (my_mpoint));
         stmt.assign ("mline",   SD.Well_Known_Text (my_mline));
         stmt.assign ("mpoly",   SD.Well_Known_Text (my_mpoly));
         stmt.assign ("collset", SD.Well_Known_Text (my_mixture));
         if not stmt.execute then
            TIO.Put_Line (stmt.last_driver_message);
         end if;
            row : ARS.Datarow;
            s2  : CON.Stmt_Type := CON.DR.query
                  ("SELECT * FROM spatial_plus WHERE id=10");
               row := s2.fetch_next;
               exit when row.data_exhausted;
               for x in Natural range 1 .. row.count loop
                  TIO.Put (s2.column_name (x) & " : ");
                  TIO.Put_Line (row.column (x).as_string);
               end loop;
            end loop;

end Spatial4;

Example code: testcases/spatial4/spatial4.adb

id : 10
sp_point : POINT(3.2 4.775)
sp_linestring : LINESTRING(-0.034 14.993,5 6,-3 19,0 -7.1000009)
sp_polygon : POLYGON((35 10,45 45,15 40,10 20,35 10),(20 30,35 35,30 20,20 30))
sp_multi_point : MULTIPOINT(10 10,100 200,-52 250)
sp_multi_line_string : MULTILINESTRING((5 5,0 2,-7 13,99 -1,50 50),(20 10,87 88))
sp_multi_polygon : MULTIPOLYGON(((35 10,45 45,15 40,10 20,35 10),(20 30,35 35,30 20,20 30)))
sp_geo_collection : GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(LINESTRING(-0.034 14.993,5 6,-3 19,0 -7.1000009),POLYGON((35 10,45 45,15 40,10 20,35 10),(20 30,35 35,30 20,20 30)),MULTIPOINT(10 10,100 200,-52 250),POINT(3.2 4.775),MULTILINESTRING((5 5,0 2,-7 13,99 -1,50 50),(20 10,87 88)))
sp_geometry : 
sp_outer_ring : 
sp_coll2 : 
sp_geometry2 : 

Output using the MySQL or PostgreSQL driver

[DB] is "MySQL.MySQL_Driver" or "PostgreSQL.PostgreSQL_Driver"

See Also